Hi there 👋

I’m a friendly ambitious nerd based in Boston, MA. I'm currently working as a ML engineer at Motional, a self-driving car company. Before that, I worked as a research scientist at Amazon Alexa AI on natural language understanding and conversational AI.Outside ML, I research governance in the 21st century. You can follow my research in progress via this Google drive link. Main themes include: voluntarism, mechanism design, virtual communities, federalism, public good provision. I've summarized many of those ideas in this post.I’m also interested in decentralized identity tech, which I consider crucial to our future, especially given the dynamics at play in AI, as I explain in this post. I argue for a web of agents and hubs as a countervailing force to AI’s centralizing tendencies.If any of this sounds interesting to you, feel free to reach out, check out my occasional posts on Medium, or find me on Twitter.Cheers 😎